Aromatherapy Health & Wellness Consultation

An aromatherapy consultation is one of the BEST things you can do to empower your health and wellness. Whatever your particular health concerns may be, there are simple aromatherapy protocols to support mind and body, and facilitate optimal wellness.

Essential oils, used in aromatherapy, strengthen the immune system; balance and calm the nervous system; support proper function of your cellular, respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems; soothe sore joints and muscles; and maintain beautiful, healthy skin.

An aromatherapy consultation determines which essential oils are the best for your personal needs, and teaches the best ways to use them for safety and highest benefit—how much, how often, and for how long, depending on your personal needs.

Consultation Options & Costs

Individual consultation with personalized blend: $96.00
Repeat client phone consultation (20 minutes): $25.00

  • The initial product (or products) is (are) included in the price of the consultation.
  • Prices for refills will be assessed individually.
  • Phone consultations are possible for some types of conditions or complaints and for repeat clients.

For additional information and details, contact us.

Aromatherapy Consultations and Assessments*

Aromatherapy consultations or assessments typically include four steps:

1. Health Assessment

An aromatherapy consultation begins with the client filling out a detailed aromatherapy assessment covering the client's health history, conditions, reasons for seeking aromatherapy, application preferences, and other information. This information can be provided prior to the actual consultation with the aromatherapist.

2. Assessment Review and Consultation

The client meets with the aromatherapist to review and discuss the information and client's conditions(such as stress, cellular or skin issue, aches and pains) and needs.

In-person consultation also includes a Zyto Compass Bio-Scan that helps determine the essential oils that are just right for you.

The consultation lasts about 20-30 minutes but may last slightly longer if the information form is completed during the consultation. Consultation can be conducted on the phone for returning clients but in-person consultation is recommended for first-time clients.

Learn more about Zyto Compass Bio-Scan >

3. Custom Aromatherapy Product and Blending Design

Following the consultation, the aromatherapist creates unique essential oil blends and products to address the identified client's needs and/or intentions. Aromatherapy products might be in the form of massage or bath oils, balms, creams, inhalers, etc.

Learn more about custom blends >

4. Follow Up

The aromatherapist will follow up with the client after one week by phone or email.

* All assessments are conducted by a NAHA and AIA-recognized professional Aromatherapist.